
2024년 02월 29일 - 2024년 03월 01일 Hamburg, Germany

World Pultrusion Conference

World Pultrusion Conference

The EPTA – European Pultrusion Technology Association in cooperation with the American Composites Manufacturers Association (ACMA) is hosting the 17th World Pultrusion Conference taking place on February 29-March 1 in Hamburg, Germany. The conference features more than 25 international speakers that will present about innovative applications, technologies and processes.

Hank Richardson of L&L Products will present on Day 1 (February 29th) 13:30 - 14:00: Automotive Applications Featuring Pultrusion in Continuous Composite Systems™ (CCS™)

The full program can be found here.

For more information on L&L Products’ presence at the World Pultrusion Conference, please contact Kristi Hanson. For more information on Continuous Composite Systems™ (CCS™), visit https://ccs.llproducts.com.


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