
2020년 10월 31일

T-Link™ featured in CompositesWorld article: Reprocessable thermosets and thermoplastic epoxies

T-Link™ featured in CompositesWorld article: Reprocessable thermosets and thermoplastic epoxies

In a recent article published by CompositesWorld, the editor summarizes reprocessable thermosets/thermoplastic epoxies currently on the market or in development.

“Is a particular composite application taking advantage of the high mechanical properties inherent in many thermoset resins, or making use of the weldability, formability or recyclability gained from thermoplastics? Thanks to a handful of innovative companies, the answer for many applications may more frequently become “both,” as reprocessable thermosets combining the properties of thermosets and thermoplastics prove themselves on the market.”

L&L Products’ T-Link™ film was among the innovations listed. Read more on the CompositesWorld website: CompositesWorld


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