
2023년 10월 17일 - 2023년 10월 19일 Bad Nauheim, Germany

EuroCarBody 2023

EuroCarBody 2023

L&L Products is exhibiting at EuroCarBody, the 25th Global Car Body Benchmarking Conference organized by Automotive Circle taking place October 17 – 19, 2023 in Bad Nauheim or online*.

EuroCarBody is the globally leading international series car body benchmarking conference where car body engineers meet to benchmark current car body development, performance and production, with detailed technical presentations by OEM engineering teams. L&L Products will be at Booth 16 showcasing capabilities and applications of our Continuous Composite Systems™ (CCS™) and Composite Body Solutions™ (CBS™). For more information on L&L Products presence at EuroCarBody 2023, please contact L&L's Marketing Specialist, Kristi Hanson at [email protected].


Kristi Hanson
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