
8 novembre 2024

Composites in Manufacturing features how best to engineer the ideal foam core composite manufacturing solution - InsituCore™

Composites in Manufacturing features how best to engineer the ideal foam core composite manufacturing solution - InsituCore™

The "why" behind InsituCore™ is featured in a recent article in Composites in Manufacturing. The article outlines typical processes that come into play when manufacturing composites and then lists some of the pain points that can be associated with those typical processes.

As a solution provider, L&L Products designed InsituCore™ around the wish list of most manufacturers: simpler, faster, cleaner, free of the costs associated with complex machinery, and less wasteful than competing techniques. Not only that, but the solution would be potentially safer and more pleasant for workers, as it is typically free of pungent odors and isocyanates.

With minimal pre- and post-production steps, you simply get lightweight and strong 3D parts with no waste. You can even add bushings and inserts directly into the mould, eliminating the need to cut and bond them in later.

Check out the full article in this article from Composites in Manufacturing.


Andrea Smith
Andrea Smith Envoyez-moi un message


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